Design Non-Invasive of Blood Sugar Detector Prototypes Using Cellular Technology GPS-Based.

Santoso, Gatot and Hani, Slamet and Kristiyana, Samuel and Saputra, Y.A Design Non-Invasive of Blood Sugar Detector Prototypes Using Cellular Technology GPS-Based. The 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science.

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Patients with diabetes mellitus need regular blood sugar levels. This research aims to design a blood sugar level detector without taking blood samples so that it will improve the comfort of patients with diabetes mellitus as long as the measurement process has been completed and the measurement results can be sent to the doctor or nurse's cellular communication device and the ambulance unit using cellular technology. The sensor used is the IR204 infrared LED to transmit infrared light with a wavelength of 850940 nm and use PD204 photodiode for the receiver. Arduino Nano to be designed control all activities in the system, while for data communication using the GSM SIM800L module and the GPS module that is on a cell phone device. This tool is designed and calibrated to be able to measure blood glucose levels with a monitoring system that will later be measured and the location of the patient sent to the doctor's cell phone by SMS format, the location diabetes mellitus patients obtained by this tool has an average distance of 3,8 meters from five times testing. The minimum measurements for all four samples with non-invasive techniques at 100 mg/dl blood sugar levels were measured with a minimum sensor reading of 65.600 and at a maximum sensor of 94.400, also at a blood sugar level of 102 mg/dl measured with a minimum sensor reading of 72.000 at a maximum sensor of 94.400. The novelty of this research lies in the measurement of blood sugar levels carried out in a noninvasive manner and utilizing GPS-based cellular technology on the prototype that was developed. Based on the accuracy and sensitivity values it can be concluded that a non-invasive blood glucose detector using an infrared IR204 LED sensor has been made to be used as an alternative tool for measuring blood sugar levels for diabetics so that the patient can control himself.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Industri > Teknik Elektro (S1)
Depositing User: Slamet Hani
Date Deposited: 18 Dec 2023 03:57
Last Modified: 18 Dec 2023 03:57

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